Show me the goods

Hi all,It's been a tough week! My brain is linguine. Let's skip the ~narrative~ portion of our weekly proceedings and head directly to The Haul.Okay fine, here's a recent selfie:

Show me the goods

Hi all,

It's been a tough week! My brain is linguine. Let's skip the ~narrative~ portion of our weekly proceedings and head directly to The Haul.

Okay fine, here's a recent selfie:



I bought a "Finch Sock" which is basically a mesh bag full of birdseed. It was a gift for Abby—this little tree is outside her bedroom window and now all the birds will inspire and mesmerize her (so far we've seen zero birds.) When I bought this oddball item they couldn't decide what to charge me so the cashier asked a manager. He seemed mad to be asked, like who cares about food for birds! "A dollar?" he said, dripping with derision.

This one is intimidating—it's parmesan, cut into little snack-on-the-go portions like mozzarella or whatever. It sounds too intense for a snack! Raw, unadulterated parm. I dunno. Also why is powerful spelled like that? Can they really guarantee a smile with every bite?

I find lupini beans excessively firm, if I may be a fussy little nobleman. Toothy, even. But Abby loves them for an easy breezy snack. Munches on 'em like olives or pistachios. Imported from Peru! I strongly encourage you to explore the Fabi-Saa website, loaded with cool South American imports. (I do NOT encourage googling "chochos pelados.")

What's this? Oh just an unmarked satchel of fresh chopped cauliflower, origin unknown. At first I thought it was cheese but one of the surplus grocer guys laughed at me. I'm guessing it's a food service toss-off, but who's to say. One dollar, yessir! My friend Valerie just shared a tasty recipe for "butter chicken-style cauliflower" so that's in my immediate future.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME WITH THIS? I was so excited by the novelty that I forgot if I actually like bison meat. I remember this unlikely bison farm near my hometown that served burgers from a shack. They were fine, if I recall correctly. A little dry, not too gamey.

Whatever, this will be so fun to experiment with.