That's my fun-day

That's my fun-day
Logo by Alex Hinton

Happy Ghost migration day! All of my old posts are here now, so let's never discuss the past again.

Tuesday was Abby's birthday so Mr. Romantic (me) popped in to the salvage grocer at lunchtime to see if they had any frozen pizzas. "Shopkeep, bring me your finest DiGiorno!" They had a sweet-looking supreme pizza from Marketside, WalMart's fancy store brand; Great Value is their generic line for the proles.

See? Dank.

I got our favorite cashier Nde (pronounced Nay), who is always asking after Abby. I said that I was surprising Abby with birthday pizza and she exclaimed, "Oh yeah, time for a house party!" That is a delightful thing to say.

Later in the week Abby and I went shopping together and Nde sang the whole happy birthday song when we walked in. Good vibes, y'all.


Ok, we're off to see one of my favorite role models on "how to live an authentic life in NYC." She's a New York icon, speaking in New Jersey for some reason. We're going to eat food in a dope Newark restaurant, maybe find some cannoli, make it a whole thing, you know? Until next week.



P.S. I just stopped by the store and two dudes in a busted old sedan were stacking these boxes on the curb:

These photos are enormous! I need to tweak my settings for next week. Anyway I just bought these salami roll-ups and Abby started chanting "Roll and Go!" Then she said in a bad mafia accent: "Nyah I'm gonna smoke 'em like a cigar!" So that's what's happening over here this morning.

I found this 45-pack of Goldfish shoved in an obscure corner of the store, next to the mops and the aloe vera beverages. 15 packs of multicolored Goldfish? Cool. 15 "flavor blasted" duders? Sure, why not. 10 pretzel packs? Sign me up. It's those 5 gross packages of vanilla grahams that are bugging us out. Dessert hummus vibes.

Unmarked bag of 12 fresh-baked hot dog rolls, perfect for my dog-forward lifestyle. Speaking of which, an update on those too-pink hot dogs I purchased recently — flavor was okay, but the texture was far too mushy. No snap. I've made a deal with myself: If I eat four of them, our dog can have the other four. (How is that actually a deal with myself?)

We have many uses for the salty Mexican cheese cotija — this big-boy bag will enhance many a dinner. But I'm featuring this product in The Haul largely for the brand name. If I was in charge of marketing for this company, the catchprase would be, simply: "It's Fud." (The actual company history is quite a trip.)

We bought this mixer AGES ago, but Abby and I don't drink much anymore so it's been sitting in the cabinet. Abby's birthday was a perfect occasion to dust 'er off, though. Mixed it with some weird low-ABV vodka a PR company sent us in the mail et voila: adequate cocktails! Not rancid.